

CIPUTRA GROUP was founded by Ir. Ciputra and his family about 25 years ago. Our core business is property, but we have business activities in media and retail. We have been developing big scale housing complexes, malls, hotels, apartments, golf courses and other property related business.

Ciputra Group has 3 go-public companies (Ciputra Development Tbk, Ciputra Surya Tbk. Ciputra Property Tbk) and sme non go public companies.

Now we aim to expand to all over Indonesia and other countries.

We need many young professionals to be part to our dynamic and innovative team.

Project Architect
Requirements :
  • Male/female
  • maximum age 30 years old
  • hold bachelor degree in architecture
  • having experience as architect for office building in contractor/developer/consultant min 3 years
  • willing to work in field area
  • expert in auto cad, sketchup, photoshop and corel

Quantity Surveyor
Requirements :
  • Female, max 30 years old
  • Bachelor degree from Civil Engineering
  • Having experience as Quantity Surveyor in office bulding min 2 years
  • Willing to be located in project area

Senior IT Infrastructure
  • Minimum 5 years experience in managing network infrastructure
  • Depth knowledge of networking in both windows & linux
  • Depth knowledge managing router, vpn, proxy and firewell
  • Experienced in active directory administration & LDAP
  • Experienced managing email server - postfix
  • Experienced in Linux - Debian, CentOS, RedHat, Fedora
  • Experienced in LAN, WAN, VLAN and other virtual implementation
  • Experienced in PHP, ASP, web design & maintaining web & domain name
  • Experienced with Mikrotik, BGP & other networking tools
  • Proactive, good analytical skill, communication & attitud

Internal Auditor
Requirements :
  • Male/female max 30 years old
  • Bachelor degree from accounting is a must
  • Having experience as internal auditor min 2 years
  • Good knowledge and skill in Microsoft Office

ERM Staff (Risk Management Staff)
Requirements :
  • Male/female, max 30 years old
  • Bachelor degree from accounting is a must
  • Having experience as risk management staff or internal auditor min 2 years
  • Good knowledge and skill in Microsoft Office

Tax Officer
  • Male/Female
  • Maximum age 27 years old
  • Hold Bachelor Degree in Accounting/Management from reputable university
  • Having related experience as tax staff min 1 year
  • Having certificate in Brevet Tax A & B
  • Strong interpersonal skill in team, self motivated person and independent
  • Good personality and communication skills

Payroll Staff
  • Female max 27 years old
  • Associate degree in Tax or Accounting from reputable university
  • Having experience in handling Payroll min 1 year
  • Having knowledge about Pph 21
  • Having integrity

Kualifikasi :
  • Wanita, maksimal 28 tahun
  • Pendidikan min SMA/D1
  • Memiliki pengalaman dalam melakukan input transaksi keuangan
  • Menguasai program Ms. Office dan familiar dengan komputer
  • Pengalaman min 1 tahun sebagai kasir/administrasi
  • Jujur dan disiplin
If you think you meet that qualifications, please send your complete resume to:

HRD Ciputra Group
Jl. Prof Dr. Satrio Kav. 6
Jakarta 12940
or by email to : hrd@ciputra.com

Rismaya Sitopu

Lowongan Kerja di Group of Magazine – Kompas Gramedia

Bermula dari Intisari, terbit pertama kali pada 7 Agustus 1963, kini Group of Magazine – Kompas Gramedia tetap menjaga komitmen awal untuk menerbitkan produk – produk yang memberikan informasi berkualitas dengan memperhatikan nilai-nilai yang berlaku di masyarakat.

Basis usaha Group of Magazine – Kompas Gramedia adalah penerbitan periodikal. Sampai saat ini Group of Magazine memiliki kurang lebih dari 40 tabloid dan majalah. Kedepan, Group of Magazine akan masuk ke setiap segmen yang ada dan berada pada posisi market leader.

Untuk memperkuat posisi, Group of Magazine – Kompas Gramedia masuk ke setiap segmen yang ada sesuai dengan basis usaha dengan mempertimbangkan perkembangan pasar dan teknologi seperti media cetak, media elektronik, digital initiative, events dan communities serta berada pada posisi market leader.

Saat ini kami sedang mencari para professional yang dinamis dan tertantang untuk mengisi posisi :

Reporter Psikologi Untuk Media Remaja Putri (kode : Rep Psi)

  • Pendidikan S1 Psikologi
  • Paham dan minat pada psikologi remaja
  • Senang menulis
  • Mampu berbahasa Inggris / asing lainnya
  • Lebih diutamakan memiliki pengalaman jurnalistik khususnya di media remaja
Lampirkan : contoh tulisan/artikel bertema psikologi remaja !

Reporter Hiburan Untuk Media Remaja Putri (kode : Rep Hib)
  • Pendidikan S1 Jurnalistik / Komunikasi / sejenisnya
  • Senang Menulis
  • Mampu berbahasa Inggris / asing lainnya
  • Mengikuti perkembangan dunia remaja putri ( gaya hidup, lifestyle, musik, film)
  • Lebih diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman jurnalistik di bidang remaja putri
Lampirkan: Contoh artikel karya anda sendiri dengan tema remaja putri !

Reporter Untuk Media Anak (kode : Rep Anak)
  • Pendidikan S1 dari semua jurusan (lebih disukai dari jurusan Sastra Inggris)
  • Senang menulis
  • Menyukai dunia anak-anak
  • Mengikuti perkembangan dunia anak
  • Mampu berbahasa inggris secara aktif baik lisan maupun tulisan
  • Berminat bekerja di dunia jurnalistik (lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman jurnalistik si bidang anak)
Lampirkan : Contoh artikel karya anda dengan tema & bahasa anak !

Fashion Stylist Untuk Media Remaja Putri (kode : FS)
  • Pendidikan Min. Diploma (Lebih disukai dari jurusan Fashion)
  • Memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan di bidang fashion, khususnya untuk remaja putri
  • Senang menulis
  • Menyukai dunia jurnalistik
Lampirkan : Contoh artikel / Portfolio karya anda sendiri dengan tema fashion !

Desainer Grafis Untuk Media Anak & Remaja Putri (kode : DG)
  • Pendidikan Min. D3 Desain Grafis / Seni Rupa / Arsitektur / sejenisnya
  • Mampu merancang / membuat desain untuk majalah
  • Mampu membuat ilustrasi komputer grafis
  • Bisa mengoperasikan software Indesign CS2, Adobe Photoshop & Ilustrator, serta Freehand
  • Dapat bekerjasama dalam tim, dan terbiasa dengan deadline
  • Lebih disukai mempunyai pengalaman di bidang media
Lampirkan : Contoh karya desain layout majalah / Portfolio karya anda sendiri dengan tema anak atau remaja putri!

Desainer Grafis Freelance Untuk Media Anak (kode : DG Freelance)

  • Pendidikan Min. D3 Desain Grafis / Seni Rupa / Arsitektur / sejenisnya (mahasiswa semester akhir juga diperbolehkan melamar)
  • Bersedia bekerja dengan status Freelance, dengan jam kerja sesuai ketentuan yang ada
  • Mampu merancang / membuat desain untuk majalah
  • Mampu membuat ilustrasi komputer grafis
  • Bisa mengoperasikan software Indesign CS2, Adobe Photoshop & Ilustrator, serta Freehand
  • Dapat bekerjasama dalam tim, dan terbiasa dengan deadline
Lampirkan : Contoh karya desain layout majalah / Portfolio karya anda sendiri dengan tema anak!

  • Pend. Min. S1 Teknik Informatika/ Manajemen Informatika/ Sistem Informasi/Sejenisny a
  • Menguasai MySQL, Javascript dan Apache
  • Pernah menggunakan PHP atau Ajax untuk membuat situs web
  • Mengerti konsep framework PHP, seperti: symphony, prado, zend atau code ignitier
  • Terbiasa menggunakan sistem operasi Linux, minimal dalam lingkup pemograman PHP

  • S1 Ilmu Komputer / Teknik Informatika / sejenisnya
  • Memiliki kemampuan design, konseptual dan detail dari design
  • Menguasai aplikasi-aplikasi untuk desain web : Photoshop, imageready, Dreamweaver, Ilustrator
  • Lebih disukai apabila menguasai Macromedia Flash dan action script.
  • Menguasai CSS, HTML, pembuatan template & pembuatan mockup
  • Mengenal cara penulisan dasar dasar penulisan scrept, JavaScript, AJAX
  • Mengerti standard W3C & teknologi website terbaru/Web 2.0
  • Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun
  • Lebih disukai jika memiliki pengetahuan pemrograman web (PHP&MySQL)

Kirimkan berkas lamaran, CV lengkap, dan pas foto terbaru Anda dengan mencantumkan kode posisi pada amplop atau e-mail subject, paling lambat 2 minggu setelah lowongan ini ditayangkan ke :

HR Department
Group of Magazine – Kompas Gramedia
Gd. Kompas Gramedia, Unit I Lt. 8
Jl. Panjang No. 8A Kebon Jeruk
Jakarta 11530
Email: runi@gramedia-majalah.com


Sebuah perusahaan terkemuka berskala nasional yang bergerak dibidang industri makanan kesehatan membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk posisi :


Dengan kualifikasi :
  1. Wanita, usia maximal 27 tahun
  2. Pendidikan min. SMA
  3. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
  4. Berpengalaman sebagai Customer Service/Telemarketi ng atau SPG.
Segera kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap, CV, dan pas photo terbaru (berwarna) ke:

Human Resources Department
Jln. Rawa Bambu Raya No. 14 F
Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan – 12520
Telp. : 021-7822808

E-mail : chandra@swatama.co.id
Cantumkan kode : CSR pada subject mail



NEXcomtech, we are an established national Information Technology (IT) distribution company for highest quality computing peripheral, seeking for highly qualified people to join our team as follows :

Sales and Marketing Manager (code : SMM)
Sales and Marketing Supervisor (code : SMS)

Requirements :
  • Male or Female, max 35 years old
  • Min Bachelor Degree in related position
  • Experience as Marketing / Sales Manager or SPV min 1 Year
  • Honest and good interpersonal skills
  • Good analytical thinking and strong Leadership skill
  • Good Marketing and Negotiation skill
  • Good Networking and Customer Oriented
  • Good computer skills, Good comment of written and verbal English
  • Able to be placed at Jakarta

Interested candidates should submit the application letter, updated CV and recent photograph within 14 days after this advertisement. Please indicate the POSITION CODE on the top left of the envelope and send to :

Setiabudi Building 1st floor suite 101 d
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said kav. 62, Kuningan.
Jakarta 12920

or email to : recruit@nexcomtech.com


PT. PROSYS BANGUN PERSADA is a leading Project Management Consultant in Oil & Gas, Infrastructure, Finance & Banking, Telecommunication, Construction and Properties is growing very fast in Engineering, Procurement, and Construction area, currently searching for highly qualified candidate for the following position:

Proposal Coordinator


  • S1 Chemical or Mechanical Engineering from reputable University
  • Having at least 5 years of experience as a Proposal Coordinator in Oil & Gas or Industrial project / Company is a must.
  • Must have an Expert Certificate (SKA).

Process Engineer

  • S1 Chemical from reputable university
  • Having at least 5 years of experience as a Process Engineer in Oil & Gas or Industrial Project
  • Familiar in Using HYSIS
  • Must have an Expert Certificate (SKA)
Contract Admin

  • S1 Engineering or Law from reputable university
  • Having at least 5 years of experience as a Contract Admin in Oil & Gas or Industrial Project

Project Admin

  • S1 Engineering from reputable University
  • Having at least 1 years of experience as a Project Admin in Industrial Project
  • Willing to be placed at Cilegon
  • Not more than 23 years old.

If you meet the requirement please send your CV before November 27 2009 to



Kami perusahaan Percetakan, Penerbitan, Perdagangan Buku skala Nasional membutuhkan :


Syarat :
  • Min D3 segala jurusan,
  • Maksimal 30 th,
  • dapat melakukan negosiasi dengan klien atau calon klien
  • punya relasi dan jaringan yang luas,
  • memilki SIM C dan kendaraan bermotor
  • komunikatif, ramah, self motivated, self achievement yang tinggi.
  • pekerja keras, dapat mencapai target.
  • pengalaman di percetakan sebagai marketing lebih disukai

Kirim dengan lengkap CV, Surat lamaran, Foto, & dokumen pendukung lainnya ke :
recruitment@bpkgm.com atau PO BOX 4093 JKP 10040

We welcome you join with us...

Toyota Group

Kami perusahaan Toyota Group yang bergerak di bidang
manufaktur komponen plastik otomotif terbesar di Indonesia,
berlokasi di kawasan MM2100 Cikarang Barat, membutuhkan

  1. Staff Quality
  2. Staff Produksi
  3. Staff Engineering
  4. Staff Utility

dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Kualifikasi umum
  • Laki-laki
  • Pendidikan DIII Tehnik Mesin/ Tehnik Elektro dengan IPK minimal 2.75
  • Usia maksimal 26 tahun
  • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik

Spesifikasi skills
  • Lancar dalam berbahasa Inggris
  • Menguasai program Ms. Office
  • Mengerti gambar tehnik
Bagi yang berminat dapat mengirimkan email ke:


sebelum 16 November 2009


Mega Portal baru dengan inovasi canggih mengundang Anda bergabung sebagai web designer dengan kualifikasi:

  1. javascript & xml (AJAX) expert
  2. Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) expert
  3. Adobe Photoshop & illustrator expert
  4. adobe flash & action script expert
  5. php expert
  6. have good knowledge on MySQL
  7. familiar in UNIX environment

CV, Foto, dan Contoh Karya dikirimkan ke: recruitment@nonblok.com


A growing company, is urgently seeking for a highly motivated individual to fill the following positions :


Job Descriptions :
  • Answering telephone calls and forwarding or directing the calls to their proper destination, take and deliver messages
  • Provide information and assistance inquiries for the general public
  • Support in office administration (manage the filing and archiving system, arrange ticketing and follow up to Travel, Write letter for support Secretary Corporate

Qualifications :
  • Diploma Administration/ Secretary
  • 2 years applicable experience in the same field
  • Ability in Oral & Written English
  • Good interpersonal & communications skills
  • Computer Literate (MS Office)Computer Literate (MS Office)
If you meet the requirements, please send your comprehensive resume with recent photograph to :

PT. Pelayaran Tempuran Emas Tbk.

We are containerized public listed shipping company looking for qualified and highly motivated candidates for the following positions:


Qualification :
  • Female, 23 - 25 years old
  • Diploma Degree any discipline with min. GPA 2.75 out of 4.00 scale.
  • 1 year experience as Administration Staff (Personnel Admin)
  • PC literate (Excel (advance), Word, Access, Visio, & Power Point).
  • Good analytical thinking, initiatif, hard working, able to work underpressure.


Qualification :
  • Female
  • Bachelor Degree from any discipline
  • Graduated from reputable university with min. GPA 2.75 out of 4.00 scale
  • Has 1 year experience as purchasing staff
  • Able to communicate in English and Mandarin (min. Passive).
  • Good communication skill, detail, hard working, able to work under pressure

Qualification :
  • Male
  • Age 21 – 25 years old
  • S1 Accounting or Management
  • 1 year experience as Finance Staff
  • Advance in excel (PC literate) and Good English
  • Talkative, persuasive, good analytical thinking, full initiative
If you meet above requirements or interested, please submit your complete application Letter, CV and Latest Photographs to:

PT. Pelayaran Tempuran Emas Tbk.
Jl.Tembang No.51
Tanjung Priok -- Jakarta Utara
Jakarta 14310
E-mail : recruitment@temasline.com


Karangturi National School is a national school, established since 1929 and located in Semarang , Central Java, Indonesia. We are a dynamically developing and growing school, currently accommodating 2,200 students ranging from Toddler, Playgroup, Kindergarten, Primary School, Junior High School, Senior High School and International Program.

The most recent incorporation to the school – the International Curriculum, which includes Secondary Program, IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education), A-Level– allows opening for:


Qualifications :
  • Male/ Female, age max. 30 years
  • S1 graduates, preferably S2 (GPA > 2,75)
  • Having experiences in teaching
  • Good personality, diligent, careful, hard worker and adroit
  • Having ability in operating computer (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc)
  • Committed to continuous self improvement
Please submit your application, Curriculum Vitae, Academic Transcript and the most recent photograph (4 x 6) to:

website :

PT. JDA-Indonesia as Petroleum Laboratory Manager

PT. JDA-Indonesia is manpower consultants for the Oil & Gas, Mining, Manufacturing and Construction industries within Indonesia . JDA has been servicing the Indonesian Oil & Gas, Mining, Manufacturing and Construction industry for 20 years.

Our client, an Oil & Gas Services company, is seeking an experienced candidate for the following position:

Petroleum Laboratory Manager (Code: PLM) – JAKARTA BASED

Job Function:
  • Manage all activities of petroleum laboratory
  • Determine equipment purchase priorities based on budget allowances, condition of existing equipment, and scheduled laboratory activities.
  • Manage and organize care and use of equipment to Supervisors and Chemists.
  • Builds prototype equipment, applying electromechanical knowledge and using hand tools and power tools.
  • Trains Supervisors and Chemists in application and use of new equipment.
  • Diagnoses equipment malfunctions and dismantles and repairs equipment, applying knowledge of shop mechanics and using gauges, meters, handtools, and power tools.
  • Develops methods of laboratory experimentation, applying knowledge of scientific theory and computer capability.
  • Confers with all staffs periodically to evaluate new equipment and methods.
  • Male/Female, Max 40 years old
  • Bachelor’s degree in Chemical, Petrochemical or Petroleum Engineering, MBA would be an advantage
  • Has extensive experience in Petroleum Laboratory Testing and Operations, knowledge on manuals and publications associated with petroleum testing and operating fuel test kits
  • Have an excellent understanding of concepts and equipment of Petroleum Operations and a thorough knowledge of quality surveillance for fuels.
  • Posses good communication skills in English and be able to adapt to rapid changes in a positive manner and work to tight deadlines.


If you are the ones who meet those requirements, kindly send your Comprehensive Resume (including photograph and NOT MORE THAN 200Kb) in Ms. Word format and put the position code in the email subject, as soon as possible to:

PT. Petro Bangun Engineering (PBE)

PT. Petro Bangun Engineering (PBE) is a local oilfield service company based in Indonesia. Our management team has 75 years of combined management experience and success, currently searching for highly qualified candidate for the following position:

Workshop Technician


  • Minimum High School degree or equivalent in mechanical Engineering discipline or Oil & Gas service industry,
  • Forklift Certified.

Mechanical Engineer

  • Minimum Diploma 3 degree in Mechanical Engineering,
  • Minimum 5 years experience in the chemical, oil, and gas related industry,
  • Posses Fluid Hydraulics background experience.

Business Development

  • Minimum Bachelor s degree in engineering or business administration,
  • Minimum 5 years experience of business development in overall Oil &Gas industry (i.e., from down to upstream of gas business),
  • Familiar and depth knowledge of Oil & Gas Law, Rules and Regulation,
  • Able to make Oil & Gas Business and Financial Analysis,
  • Experience in doing cross-border transaction,
  • Extensive knowledge of the market of the Business,
  • Expertise in new business development on all process ; target identification, screening, structuring, negotiation, and integration,
  • Work experience in top tier Oil & Gas companies is preferred,
  • Experience working with international companies and in multi-cultural settings preferred,
  • Strong project management skills,
  • Extensive network with government officials and individual companies in gas industry.

Carbide Welder

  • Minimum High School Education,
  • Minimum 1 years knowledge of general welding,
  • Qualification in mechanical, engineering discipline,
  • Welder s certificate,
  • Forklift Certified,
  • 1 years experience to lay carbide.

Fishing Supervisor

  • Completion of High School or equivalent,
  • Experience of working on the rig floor both on land and offshore,
  • 5 years experience with Open and Cased hole fishing operations,
  • Strong operational and technical skills,
  • Good knowledge of down hole tools and fishing equipment,
  • Understanding of down hole conditions,
  • Knowledge of Drilling/Fishing and the associated tools,
  • Experience in the deployment of Whipstocks and Window milling.

Tubing Supervisors (3 positions)

  • Completion or certificate from a technical or trade school,
  • Minimum of one (1) year Coil Tubing or Thru-Tbg. Experience,
  • Understanding of the rules and regulations on safe operation and maintenance of assigned equipment,
  • Knowledge and ability to perform operations on and off-shore with Coil Tbg.

QA/QC Specialist

  • Minimum college degree in Mechanical Engineer or equivalent,
  • 3 years experience in oilfield Technical QA/QC,
  • Fluent in Chinese is an advantage.

General Requirements for all positions:
  • Good written and verbal communication skills,
  • QHSE procedural knowledge,
  • Extensive equipment and product knowledge,
  • General computer knowledge,
  • Good Mechanical aptitude,
  • Fluent in English (both in writing and speaking),
  • Strong Safety and Environment awareness,
  • Ability to work on own initiative and within a team,
  • Ability to follow a plan, read and follows manuals, and asks for guidance when required,
  • Personal motivation and self learning ability,
  • Effective communicator at all levels,
  • Ability in developing maintenance procedures.

Please send your application by November 15th, 2009 at the latest with POSITION ON YOUR EMAIL SUBJECT to : humanresources@petrobe.com

Parliamentary specialist in Chemonics International

Parliamentary specialist

Chemonics seeks a parliamentary specialist for an anticipated USAID-funded democracy and governance project in Indonesia . The project aims to increase the effectiveness of representative groups and institutions in Indonesia to bolster democracy and good governance.

Responsibilities include: supporting efforts to make the House of Representatives and Regional Representative Council more effective and transparent, engaging with the range of stakeholders inside and outside the House of Representatives, providing them with tools and resources, monitoring and reporting on performance and supervising staff assistants.

  • Advanced degree in relevant field and minimum eight years (or 12 years in lieu of advanced degree) professional experience working with or in parliament
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively and diplomatically in a highly political environment
  • Familiarity with Indonesian and Asian parliaments preferred
  • Proficiency in Bahasa Indonesia highly desirable
  • Candidate must be able to sign statement confirming present availability to serve for the term of the 3-5 year contract
Application Instructions:

Please indicate the position on the subject line and send electronic submissions to PROREP@chemonics.com by November 15, 2009. No telephone inquiries, please.

Finalists will be contacted.

Public policy specialist in Chemonics International

Public policy specialist

Chemonics seeks a public policy specialist for an anticipated USAID-funded democracy and governance project in Indonesia . The project aims to increase the effectiveness of representative groups and institutions in Indonesia to bolster democracy and good governance.

Responsibilities include: the design and implementation of activities related to building the capacity of universities, think tanks and civil society organizations to conduct and disseminate policy-relevant research and analysis on policy and governance issues, identifying and engaging with partner organizations, providing them with tools and resources, monitoring and reporting on performance and supervising staff assistants.

  • Advanced degree in relevant field and minimum seven years (or 11 years in lieu of advanced degree) international experience with public policy formulation, including working in a think tank, legislature or government agency
  • Demonstrated experience with organizational capacity building and/or grants management desirable
  • Familiarity with Indonesian and Asian politics and governance preferred
  • Proficiency in Bahasa Indonesia preferred
  • Candidate must be able to sign statement confirming present availability to serve for the term of the 3-5 year contract
Application Instructions:

Please indicate the position on the subject line and send electronic submissions to PROREP@chemonics.com by November 15, 2009. No telephone inquiries, please.

Finalists will be contacted.

Civil society specialist in Chemonics International

Civil society specialist

Chemonics seeks a civil society specialist for an anticipated USAID-funded democracy and governance project in Indonesia . The project aims to increase the effectiveness of representative groups and institutions in Indonesia to bolster democracy and good governance.

Responsibilities include: the design and implementation of activities related to strengthening the representational capacity of membership- and constituency- base civil society organizations, providing them with tools and resources, monitoring and reporting on performance and supervising staff assistants.

  • Advanced degree in relevant field and minimum eight years (or 12 years in lieu of advanced degree) professional experience working with or for civil society organizations
  • Demonstrated experience in membership development highly desirable
  • Experience with making grants to civil society organizations highly desirable
  • Proficiency in Bahasa Indonesia highly preferred
  • Familiarity with Indonesian and Asian civil society organizations preferred
  • Candidate must be able to sign statement confirming present availability to serve for the term of the 3-5 year contract

Application Instructions:

Please indicate the position on the subject line and send electronic submissions to PROREP@chemonics.com by November 15, 2009. No telephone inquiries, please.

Finalists will be contacted.

Deputy chief of party of Chemonics International

Deputy chief of party

Chemonics seeks a deputy chief of party for an anticipated USAID-funded democracy and governance project in Indonesia . The project aims to increase the effectiveness of representative groups and institutions in Indonesia to bolster democracy and good governance. To accomplish this, the project will improve representation by increasing the effectiveness of groups representing citizen views to the government. In addition the project will improve the responsiveness and transparency of legislative processes.

Responsibilities include: day-to-day project management, including management of staff, activities and grants and oversight of monitoring, evaluation and reporting.

  • Advanced degree in relevant field and minimum six years (or 10 years in lieu of advanced degree) professional experience managing donor-supported governance projects
  • Demonstrated experience in addressing democratic governance in developing countries
  • Grants management experience highly preferred
  • Familiarity with Indonesian and Asian politics preferred
  • Proficiency in Bahasa Indonesia preferred
  • Candidate must be able to sign statement confirming present availability to serve for the term of the 3-5 year contract

Application Instructions:

Please indicate the position on the subject line and send electronic submissions to PROREP@chemonics.com by November 15, 2009. No telephone inquiries, please.

Finalists will be contacted.

Chief of party Chemonics International

Chief of party

Chemonics seeks a chief of party for an anticipated USAID-funded democracy and governance project in Indonesia . The project aims to increase the effectiveness of representative groups and institutions in Indonesia to bolster democracy and good governance.

Responsibilities include: lead project management and impacts, external representation and coordination with USAID and project partners, oversight of project activities and compliance with contractual obligations, contribute to technical guidance of the project.

  • Advanced degree in relevant field and minimum 10 years (or 14 years in lieu of advanced degree) professional experience managing and leading donor-supported governance projects
  • Demonstrated experience in addressing democratic governance in developing countries
  • Familiarity with Indonesian and Asian politics preferred
  • Proficiency in Bahasa Indonesia preferred
  • Candidate must be able to sign statement confirming present availability to serve for the term of the 3-5 year contract
Application Instructions:

Please indicate the position on the subject line and send electronic submissions to PROREP@chemonics.com by November 15, 2009. No telephone inquiries, please.

Finalists will be contacted.

Perusahaan IT membutuhkan beberara petaga kerja

Sebuah Perusahaan IT, Lokasi cilandak, membutuhkan segera beberapa kandidat untuk mengisi beberapa posisi, diantara nya:

Programmer Clipper :

  1. Min D3 / S1 jurusan komputer
  2. Mengerti dan dapat menggunakan Advantage database (DBF file) dan SQL 2005
  3. Pengalaman dalam membuat aplikasi rekonsiliasi dan Laporan
  4. Pengalaman sebagai programmer Clipper

Programmer Java :
  1. Min D3 / S1 jurusan komputer
  2. Mengerti dan dapat menggunakan Advantage database (DBF file) dan SQL 2005
  3. Pengalaman dalam membuat aplikasi rekonsiliasi dan Laporan2
  4. Pengalaman sebagai programmer java kawa server under Linux

  1. Min SMU Sederajat lulusan tehnik sipil
  2. Pengalaman dalam membuat sketsa gambar
  3. Seorang pekerja keras
  4. Mau belajar

Legal Staff:
  1. Sarjana jurusan hukum, Min Gpa 3.00
  2. Pengalaman dalam bidang legal 1-2 thn
  3. Pengalaman / memiliki pengetahuan dalam pembuatan berbagai macam perjanjian
  4. Seorang pekerja keras

Bagi yang memenuhi persyaratan di atas harap mengirimkan Lamaran & CV sebelum tgl 23 november 2009 ke:

HRD PT Altelindo Karyamandiri
nola.fitria@altelindo.com atau hrd@altelindo.com

URGENTLY REQUIRED....! PT. Pacific Fiber Indonesia

PT. Pacific Fiber Indonesia is a multinational company that leads a forestry industry (HTI), chip mills projects and operations in East Kalimantan . Due to rapid business expansion, currently we are seeking for the highly motivated professionals to strengthen our team in the following positions and requirements:


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting Min. GPA 3.0,

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting Min. GPA 3.0.

  • Bachelor degree in Accounting or Tax with Min. GPA.3,0.

  • Bachelor Degree in Engineering, Accounting, Material Management Etc.

  • Graduated of Marine or related, having certificate of ANT : V/IV/III

  • Graduated of Marine or related, having certificate of ANT : V/IV

  • Min. SLTA with min. 5 years experience as Truck Operation Trainer, skilled in operating various Truck.

  • Min. SLTA with min. 5 years experience as Truck Operation Trainer, skilled in operating various Truck.

  • Bachelor Degree in Agriculture or Forestry from reputable university,

  • High motivation, discipline, teamwork, dynamic with good personality.
  • Age max. 40 years old, Minimum 3 years experienced in similar position in Forestry & Manufacturing Industry.
  • Good Communication in English both oral and written and Computer Literate.
  • Mandarin skills is preferred pint (1, 2 & 3)
  • Willing to work at Balikpapan (point 1-6), Site Forestry, Kenangan, PPU-East Kalimantan (point 7&8) and Malinau (point 9).
Submit your application letter, comprehensive CV with recent photograph, and related certification with Ms 2003 or PDF version before 20th November 2009 to
HRD Department of PT PFI:

recruitment@pacific-fiber.com or PO BOX 570 East Kalimantan 76114.

Please put the position code on e-mail subject or top right of the envelope and quote your salary expectation in your application letter. Only short listed candidate will be invited for test and or interview.

Lowongan kerja di PT. TOTAL Oil Indonesia

PT. TOTAL Oil Indonesia, an affiliate of TOTAL Group France, focusing in downstream area, is now looking for Finance Executive and Accounting Executive to join our F&A team.

The requirements for both positions are:

  1. Bachelor degree in Accounting
  2. 6 months or 1 year experience in relevant area
  3. Meticulous and love to work with details
  4. Eager to work
  5. Good team player

Please note, that these posts are temporarily available via third party, hence the employment status will be under the appointed third party.

Should you feel that you fit the job, you may forward your resume by e-mail to Magdalena.NAIBAHO@totaloil.co.id by putting your preferred post as the subject of your e-mail.

Lowongan kerja di PT. Global Maju Bersama sebagai MARKETING OFFICER



Persyaratan :

  1. Pria, Maksimal 30 tahun
  2. Pendidikan Min D3
  3. Pengalaman sebagai Credit Marketing Officer di Multifinance/ Otomotif/ Perbankan min 1 tahun
  4. Berpenampilan menarik, energik, percaya diri.
  5. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
  6. Diutamakan domisili Tangerang dsk atau Depok dsk
  7. Memiliki kendaraan roda dua & SIM C

Walk In Interview :
  • Hari : Senin - Jum'at
  • Tanggal : 09 - 13 November 2009
  • Jam : 09.00 s/d 15.30 wib
  • Tempat :
PT. Global Maju Bersama
Central Business District
Ruko Bidex Blok C No. 15
Jl. Pahlawan Seribu
BSD City, Serpong, - Tangerang Selatan
Telp : 021- 5316 4777 (Hunting)
Fax : 021- 5316 4528

Saying No to Your Boss

By Rachel Zupek

When you think back to your childhood and your mom said, "We'll see," it was always better than a flat out, "No." Much like "possibly" is sufficient when you ask your boss for time off and "I'll think about it" gives you hope when you ask for a raise.

Though all of these responses are really just a more polite version of "no," they're easier to hear than the actual word itself. While hearing "no" is hard enough, it seems that saying no is even more difficult for some people -- especially when it comes to their boss.

"Most employees avoid saying no to their boss because they fear it will ruin their relationship, cost them their job or appear disrespectful, " says Joseph Grenny, co-author of "Crucial Conversations. " "With the right set of skills, it is possible to be 100 percent candid and respectful when holding this important conversation. "

The reality is, we can't say to yes to everything, so it's essential to position yourself in the best way possible if and when you have to say no at work. The trick, experts say, is not really what you say, but how you say it.

"Many of us won't say the word because we are afraid to, especially in this economy," says Mary Byers, author of "How to Say No ... And Live to Tell About It." "It's easier to say no at work if you don't actually use the word. That way, your boss won't feel like you're being insubordinate. "

Elisabeth Manning, a human potential coach, recalls a time when she was an assistant to the president of a major company. The president wanted to make Manning her marketing manager at the same time -- and the same salary.

Manning, who knew that she would have too much on her plate if she accepted working both jobs, told her boss that she wanted to maximize her capacity for potential at the company and accepting the offer would not be the best, most efficient use of her time.

"I was neutral, not emotional and held my ground," Manning says. "I spoke as if it were already a done deal, without fear."

Here are five situations where you might find yourself needing (and wanting) to say no at work and how you can do so tactfully -- and without losing your job.

How to say no to ...
Your boss assigning you too much work
It can be tough to tell your boss you have a problem with the amount of work he or she is assigning you, but it's possible if you can make your boss feel safe, Grenny says. Start with facts instead of harsh judgments or vague conclusions and let your boss know you care about his interests and respect him, he says.

"Strip out any judgmental or provocative language and be specific," Grenny says. "For example, 'Last week, you gave me two large projects to finish in a very short amount of time and I had to complete these on top of my regular responsibilities. I am afraid my large workload might be affecting the quality of my work.'"

Outrageous demands
If your boss asks you to do something like run his errands or work all weekend and you can't (or don't feel like you should have to), focus on what you can do, says Susan Fletcher, a psychologist, author and speaker.

"The next time your boss asks you to go pick up his or her dry cleaning, instead of saying no, say, 'What I can do is cover your phone calls for you while you are out of the office,'" Fletcher suggests. "Or if your boss asks you to start up a new company initiative, instead of saying no, say, 'What I can do is brainstorm with you on the strategy for the initiative and help get the proper team members in place who can execute the strategy."

Something you honestly can't do
Of course, it's always good to learn new skills, but if you truly believe you aren't the best person for the job, you should say no. Byers suggests responding with something like, "Is there another department where this project might fit better, or someone we can collaborate with?"

"If you know you don't have the necessary time, resources or knowledge for a given project, this is a good way to open dialogue about the best way to get an assignment done," she says.

Unrealistic deadlines
If you frame your response in a way that helps your boss to rethink his request, you'll be OK, says Beth Sears, president of Workplace Communication.

Be aware of your tone of voice and try something like, "I understand your need for this assignment to be completed, but I need some help prioritizing my other work. You requested me to complete 'A' by tomorrow, 'B' by Thursday and 'C' by Friday. This last assignment 'D' would make it impossible to accomplish all of these. How would you prioritize these tasks?" Sears suggests.

Anything illegal, unethical or that crosses personal boundaries
Say no to anything that will you get into trouble if you say yes. Meaning, if something will be detrimental to your career or goes against your integrity, you should always say no.

Jennifer Bergeron, an HR training specialist, recently said no to one of her bosses who asked her to lie to her direct manager.

"I said, 'I'm not comfortable doing that, because the result will be [X, Y and Z]. Please don't ask me to ever lie to someone," Bergeron says. "He said, 'OK, you're right. I didn't realize all that was going on.'"

Lowongan Kerja di PT. Abhimata Persada

Established in 1990, PT. Abhimata Persada (www.ptap.co.id) has a strong presence as a company providing innovative and integrative solutions in the field of information technology comprising software, systems and consultancy to wide range of industries including banking/financial institutions, government bodies, telecommunications sector and retailers. As a subsidiary company of EMTEK Group (www.emtek.co.id), PT Abhimata Persada is striving to be at the forefront of Indonesia’s domestic information technology sector.

To strengthen our growing team we invite high caliber candidates to fill in the following vacancy:

Professional Programmer (Code: PP-AP) – 4 positions


  1. S1 degree from reputable Institution/ University (e.g. Information Technology, Computer Science, Information Management, Computerised Accounting, and other related studies)
  2. Understand programming language is a must (preferably C, C++, .Net, Cobol)
  3. Highly interested in programming algorithm
  4. Hard-worker, smart, diligent, meticulous, self-driven and responsible
  5. Highly analytical, and able to break down complex application design concepts into simple and modular codes
  6. Proven technical skill set that has been demonstrated in the development of at least 1 (one) large complex application or several small to medium applications
We provide an attractive remuneration package, commensurate with your qualification and experience. If you meet the above qualifications, please send your application (please quote ONLY the position code in the e-mail subject) complete with CV and recent photograph not later than two (2) weeks after this advertisement to:


We are cuurently looking to expand our business operations bya appointing an Admin support to work with our good atmosphere


Role and Responsibilities:
  • Calendar Management - Set-up a meeting to our clients.
  • Telemarketing
  • Finnancial Administration & Tax.
  • Female
  • 1-2 years experience or Fresh Graduated from S1 or D3
  • Good team worker as well as independent worker
  • Self motivated and be able to reach a company target
  • Good communication
  • Attractive appearance and hardworking
  • English spoken with excellent writing skill

We are looking for someone with the drive to exceed all expectations, hungry for success and in return will be remunerated with a great package

If this is you please respond to today.
Please send your CV & latest photo to saranatrading@gmail.com

GAC Samudera Logistics


GAC Samudera Logistics is a multinational company specializing in supply chain management & logistics solutions. We operate one of Indonesia ’s most advance & modern distribution centers. Due to our expansion in Cikarang, we invite qualified energetic individuals for the following positions :


Job Descriptions:

  • Ensure smooth functioning of Administration and Data Entry department with an aim to fulfill service requirements in a most effective and efficient way
  • Providing document and support to the other department by using information system
  • Storing, distribution information within the company
Requirements :

  • S1/S2, Max 35 years old
  • At least 2 in 3rd party logistics / logistics / Transportation/ Retail etc
  • Advanced with MS-office, Data Base
  • Understanding of Admin and Data Entry Processes
  • Strong oral / written communication skills in English is a must
  • Good knowledge of logistics, Supply chain management, Transportation, Inventory system
  • Able to work under pressure.
Interested applicants kindly submit your CV (max. 200 kb), recent photograph, current and expected salary to
nur.setyaningsih@gacworld.com and
recruit.cikarang@yahoo.com or mail it to

PO BOX : B-36/BKS LC, BEKASI 17550A.

Please state the AREA and POSITION CODE on the email‘s subject or at the corner of the envelope. Closing date : November 30th, 2009. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

AXA Financial Indonesia

The AXA Group is one of the largest insurance groups in the world (FORTUNE Global 500). AXA operates in more than 60 countries throughout Europe, North America, the Asia Pacific, Africa and the Middle East serving over 87 million customers and managing funds over USD 1.9 trillion. Supported by over 214,000 dedicated staff and financial advisers, AXA leads the industry in terms of professionalism, trustworthiness, innovation and reputation.

In AXA our ambition is to become the preferred company and the largest insurance company in Indonesia. For that ambition and support our rapid business growth in Indonesia, we are inviting high caliber individuals to grow further our business as well as to build exciting & rewarding career together with us:

Associate Business Development Manager (ABDM)

Recruitment Manager (RM)

Sales Recruitment (SR)

Location: Surabaya

  • Male/Female, 25 - 35 years old
  • University graduates
  • Have experience in banking or life insurance
  • Positive attitude, independent, self driven, self motivation, and good coordination toward others
  • Excellent communications, persuasion and presentation skills
  • Has ambition to fulfill target and good relationship skill
  • Live in Surabaya city
For interested candidate, please submit your CV and application letter (in English) including a one paragraph motivation of why you want to work for AXA, at the latest by November 15, 2009 with the code of the position as your email subject to to: wahyu.rae@gmail.com

If you want to know more about AXA, please visit www.axa.co.id

Thank You.

------------ --------- --------- --------- ----
AXA Financial Indonesia
Wahyu Tandyono
Recruiting Activity and Events Manager

Ratu Plaza Office Building 2nd. Floor
Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 9 Jakarta Pusat 10270
Tel: 62-21-72783888
Fax: 62-21-72791318
e-mail: wahyu.rae@gmail.com


PT Bank Syariah Mega Indonesia diawali dari sebuah bank umum bernama PT Bank Umum Tugu yang berkedudukan di Jakarta . Pada tahun 2001, Para Group (PT Para Global Investindo dan PT Para Rekan Investama), kelompok usaha yang juga menaungi PT Bank Mega, Tbk, Trans TV, Trans 7, Para Finance, Mega Life, Asuransi Umum Mega, Mega Capital, Coffee Bean, Ice Cream Baskin & Robins, Bandung super mall, Trans Studio dan beberapa Perusahaan lainnya, mengakuisisi PT Bank Umum Tugu untuk dikembangkan menjadi bank syariah. Hasil konversi tersebut, pada 25 Agustus 2004 PT Bank Umum Tugu resmi beroperasi syariah dengan nama PT Bank Syariah Mega Indonesia .

PT Bank Syariah Syariah terus berekspansi mengembangkan divisi usaha pembiayaan mikro dan kecil MEGA MITRA SYARIAH (M2S), Mega Mitra Syariah (M2S) adalah salah satu lini bisnis di Bank Mega Syariah yang fokus dalam melayani usaha kecil dan mikro secara syariah. Diluncurkan pertama kali pada 8 Juli 2008 hingga saat ini M2S sudah memiliki 310 kantor cabang dengan total pembiayaan yang disalurkan mencapai Rp1,8 triliun dengan rasio pembiayaan bermasalah (non performing financing/NPF) sebesar 0,2%, memiliki 24.000 nasabah sedangkan di tahun 2010 akan di tambah lagi menjadi 190 unit sehingga total kantor cabang M2S sekitar 500 unit.

Pembiayaan yang disalurkan semakin membesar karena M2S sudah ada di 20 provinsi di seluruh Indonesia, Selain M2S juga di kembangkan Gadai Syariah Mega (GSM) adalah lini bisnis di Bank Mega Syariah yang fokus dalam melayani usaha gadai secara syariah. Seluruh unit-unit Gadai ditempatkan secara implant di cabang-cabang Reguler maupun unit Mikro dan saat ini juga sudah mempunyai 33 cabang. Untuk menunjang ekspansi usaha PT Bank Syariah Mega Indonesia memberikan kesempatan kepada anda yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang dipersyaratkan untuk mengisi posisi:



Kualifiakasi Umum:
  1. Pria/Wanita
  2. Pengalaman Min 1 Tahun di bidang yang relevan
  3. IPK Min 2,75 (S1) scala 4.00
  4. Lulus dari Fakultas Teknik Informatika, Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Komputer
  5. Usia maks 28 tahun
  6. Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan serta penempatan di Jakarta (Head Office)
  7. Fresh Graduate di perbolehkan untuk melamar
Job Description:
  1. Menyusun MIS report yang di butuhkan oleh Risk management
  2. Melakukan improvement terhadap proses dan pengembangan tools yang dapat mempercepat dan mengefektifkan proses pembiayaan
  3. Melakukan analisa terhadap portofolio memberikan input terhadap kondisi portofolio di M2S (MegaMitraSyariah) kepada RMH
  4. Memantau kualitas penggunaan BWMP di Unit District dan KP
  5. Melakukan analisa terhadap performance produk M2S
  6. Membangun data base pembiayaan yang handal sehingga dapat menjadi dasar pengambilan keputusan oleh manajemen
  7. Port folio monitoring report, aplikasi automasi pembiayaan
  8. BWMP monitoring report dan Financing customer database
Hard Compentcy yang harus dimiliki:
  1. MS Officer (MS word, MS excel, MS Access, MS Powerpoint)
  2. Pascal, C, dan C++, Visual C#.net, AS 400, .net framework, web development in vs 2005 IDE
  3. Visual Basic dan Visual Basic.net, Sql Server 2000 dan MySQL dan PHP, HTML

Lamaran lengkap & CV dikirim ke :

HCM Division-Bank Mega Syariah
Gedung Smesco Indonesia Lt. 14
Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 94, Jakarta Selatan
Email ke :


(Lamaran Paling Lambat di terima tanggal 16 November 2009)


PT TRIWAHANA UNIVERSAL (Job location: Bojonegoro, East Java )

We are a National Company in Oil Refinery business located at Bojonegoro, East Java . As the First Established Private Company in Oil Refinery in Indonesia , We highly committed to be the foremost Oil Company in the country through our product quality and services.

We now have opportunitiy for enthusiastic, intelligent and motivated graduates to join as Rata PenuhADMIN STAFF

Requirement :
  • Education: DIII Accounting from reputable university
  • Computer literate (MS Office: Word, Excell, Powerpoint)
  • Strong in administration and accounting duties
  • Proficiency in English
Please submit your applications (code: ADMIN-Bojonegoro) with relevant qualifications, experiences, and a recent photograph to:

Fax (0353)512266 or email: w.priono@twurefinery.com

not later than November 13rd, 2009.
Only short-listed applicants meeting the requirements stated above will be contacted.
f you do not hear from us within the next three (3) months, please consider your application unsuccessful.


Urgently Required

Choice Management Consultants is looking for the following candidates for its client, a consumer goods company client in Jakarta , looking for:


  1. Candidates must be graduated in Accounting
  2. Proficient in computer accountancy is a must, SAP & MFGPro are preferable
  3. Proficient in tax and report
  4. Assisting in administrative for registration and report to the government, such as work permit, import realization report, etc
  5. Proficient in English, for daily communication towards other country
  6. Master in auditing process is a plus
  7. This position for 6 months contract
  8. KRA for this role is as follows:
Legal and Tax

  • Prepare Jakarta ’s financial reports to facilitate statutory accounts consolidation in Makassar for legal entity, including Corporate Income Tax return;
  • Compile and file VAT return on a timely basis for total legal entity;
  • Ensures the compliance of VAT and withholding tax reporting and payment on timely basis for Jakarta office;
  • Assists in the tax audit coordination and establish & maintain positive relationship with tax authorities;
  • Provide administrative assistance in any legal registration for legal entity e.g working permit, custom, etc.
Corporate Reporting

  • Provide Jakarta financial info rmation and facilitate consolidation of corporate reports requirements;
  • Provide necessary assistance to consolidate.

Supporting Activities

  • Reconcile all payments, bank statements and or petty cash;
  • Ensure that all claims or payment are properly approved before payment execution;
  • Balance Sheet reconciliation;
  • Maintain and file all documentation;
  • Responsible for the payroll administration for Jakarta associates;
  • Responsible for General Ledger input for Jakarta Operation.
Please submit your written application including cover letter, CV and references by fax (021) 2511 459 or by email to exec@choice-mc.com, no later than 11 November 2009.

Applications will be treated strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.

Arthaloka Building, 11th floor, suite 1106-1108
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman 2
Jakarta 10220
Telephone: (021) 251 1460-62
Facsimile: (021) 251 1459
E-mail: exec@choice-mc.com


PT. COMBIPHAR merupakan perusahaan farmasi yang berkembang pesat mengundang
para profesional muda untuk bergabung sebagai:


  1. Pria / wanita, usia maksimal 28 tahun dan diutamakan belum menikah
  2. Berpendidikan minimal D3 dari segala jurusan, kandidat Fresh Graduate dipersilahkan untuk melamar
  3. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi, persuasi, interpersonal yang baik dan sanggup bekerja dengan target
  4. Memiliki sepeda motor dan SIM C
  5. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia dan mengikuti ikatan dinas selama 2 tahun

Kandidat yang terpilih akan memperoleh beragam benefit sebagai berikut :
  1. Gaji pokok
  2. Tunjangan makan & transport
  3. Asuransi kesehatan (insurance)
  4. Insentif
  5. Bonus
  6. Jenjang karir yang menantang
Bagi yang memenuhi kualifikasi, datang langsung dengan membawa surat lamaran lengkap beserta pas foto berwarna 4X6 terbaru ke:

Jl.Tanah Abang II / No. 19, Jakarta Pusat
Hari Jumat / 7 November 2009
Pukul 09.00 s/d selesai

Bagi yang tidak sempat datang pada tanggal tersebut, silahkan kirimkan lamaran Anda ke :

Graha Atrium Lt.15
Jl.Senen Raya 135
Senen, Jakarta Pusat

Atau lewat email ke: vidhestira.dwimadia@combiphar.com

CPNS Kota DEPOK 2009

Banyak Lowongan Kerja di PT. EKA BOGAINTI

HOKA - HOKA BENTO is the pioneer and one of the largest Japanese Fast Food Restaurant in Indonesia, with variety of products and affordable price. Established in 1985, nowdays have more than 100 branches in JABODETABEK, Bandung, and Surabaya. We offer a challenging career for a high achievers to be part of our team.


  • Usia maks. 28 th
  • Pendidikan min. S1 semua jurusan ( Fresh Graduate ) dengan IPK min 2,75
  • Bersedia bekerja dengan sistem shift & hari libur
  • Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh cabang Hoka Hoka Bento


  • Pria, usia maks. 40 th dengan tinggi badan min. 170 cm
  • Pendidikan min. D3
  • Pengalaman sebagai Chief Security min. 3 th
  • Memiliki pengalaman mengkoordinasi satuan unit pengaman di lingkungan perusahaan


  • Usia maks. 28 th
  • Pendidikan min. S1 semua jurusan ( lebih diutamakan : Statistik, Psikologi, Marketing)
  • Pengalaman min. 2 th dibidang marketing research ( research agency, in-house research atau research internal )
  • Menguasai research methodology ( kuantitatif & kualitatif )
  • Menguasai proses research fieldwork
  • Dapat menganalisa hasil riset kuantitatif & kualitatif
  • Mampu berpikir secara konseptual & analitis
  • Bersedia melakukan pekerjaan non-desk research ( lapangan / mobile )


  • Usia maks. 30 th
  • Pendidikan S1 / S2 Psikologi atau Magister Manajemen SDM
  • Pengalaman sebagai HR Supervisor min. 2 th
  • Mengerti penyusunan KPI dan Competency per jabatan
  • Mampu membuat analisa dan pembuatan Man Power Planning
  • Memiliki ketegasan dan leadership yang kuat
  • Dapat berbahasa inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan


  • Pria, usiam maks. 28 th
  • Pendidikan S1 Psikologi
  • Pengalaman min. 2 th sebagai Recruiter
  • Menguasai alat tes Psikodiagnostik


  • Pria / Wanita, usia maks. 35 th
  • Memiliki kemampuan yang kuat untuk berpikir secara konseptual & analitis
  • Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan & jadwal yang padat
  • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi, persuasif, & memiliki motivasi berprestasi yang tinggi
  • Memiliki pengalaman min. 2 th dibidang sales & marketing
  • Mampu menyusun konsep promosi & implementasi dari program marketing


  • Pria, usia maks. 35 th
  • Pendidikan min D3 ( Semua Jurusan )
  • Memiliki pengalaman dibidang perpajakan dan perizinan
  • Pengalaman min. 2th sebagai Staff GA


  • Usia maks. 30 th
  • Pendidikan S1 ( semua jurusan )
  • Pengalaman sebagai Supervisor Call Center dibidang fast food min. 2 th


  • Wanita, usia maks. 38 th
  • Pendidikan min. S1 Akuntansi
  • Memiliki pengetahuan tentang perpajakan
  • Pengalaman min. 2th sebagai Assisstant Accounting Manager


  • Usia maks. 28 th
  • Pendidikan min. D3 Akuntansi dengan IPK min. 3,00
  • Pengalaman min. 1 th / Fresh Graduate

Please send an update Curiculum Vitae including of your educatuon certificate ang recent passport size photograph to :

Human Resources Division PT. EKA BOGAINTI
Jl.Raya poncol no. 2 Ciracas Jakarta Timur 13740
PO. BOX 8352 JKT 12083
Email : recruit@hokahokabento.co.id

Dibutuhkan segera AGENCY COORDINATOR di PT. LIG Insurance Indonesia

Sebuah perusahaan (Asuransi Umum /Insurance) Joint Venture antara Korea dan Indonesia, yang berdiri sejak tahun 1997 membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga profesional sebagai Agency Coordinator dengan kriteria sebagai berikut:

  • Pria atau Wanita.
  • Pendidikan min D3.
  • Usia maks 35 thn.
  • Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan untuk mengkoordinasikan team, dinamis & energic.
  • Orientasi pada target dan penjualan.
  • Dapat bekerjasama secara independen & team.
  • Memiliki pengalaman kerja di bidang Asuransi (insurance) / Automotive / Perbankan atau instansi keuangan.
  • Terbuka bagi fresh graduate.

Tugas Utama : Merekrut & Mengembangkan Business Agen.

Benefit :
  • Gaji pokok
  • Incentive terhadap produksi dan recruitment
Silakan kirim CV dan photo terbaru ke: agus_subandi@lig.co.id (attachment tidak > 1 mb) atau kirim melalui pos ke :

Up. Agus Subandi

PT. LIG Insurance Indonesia .
Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda No. 10M
(Sentra Arteri Mas) – Pondok Indah
Jakarta Selatan 12240
Telp. 021- 725 0711, Fax. 021- 729 2139
website. www.lig.co.id

Lowongan kerja sebagai MARKETING, DATA ENTRY, WRITER di PT. Bina Indonusa System

Salah satu klien kami Pusat Data Bisnis Indonesia (PDBI) saat ini sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja dengan sallary yang cukup memuaskan dalam bidang :

1. Marketing
2. Writer
3. Data Entry

Dengan Kualifikasi sebagai berikut :

Untuk Marketing (kode Mkt) :

  • Pengalaman di dunia marketing 3 - 5 tahun
  • Diutamakan dalam bidang Advertising
  • Usia 25 - 35 tahun
  • Lulusan D-3 ataupun S-1 dari semua Jurusan dan Unversitas di Jakarta
  • Mampu mencari informasi untuk dijadikan Data didalam sebuah acara ataupun Majalah
  • Berdomisili di Jakarta
  • Siap untuk ditempatkan di luar Jakarta.

Untuk Writer (kode Wr) :

  • Berpengalaman 2 - 3 tahun dalam bidang Advertising ataupun Jurnalist
  • Usia 25 - 35 tahun
  • Mampu menganalisa dan mengolah data
  • Lulusan dari D-3 ataupun S-1, Falkutas Jurnalis
  • Berdomisili di Jakarta
  • Siap untuk ditempatkan di luar Jakarta

Untuk Data Entry (kode D.E) :

  • Untuk mahasiswa akhir semester dari semua jurusan
  • Mau berkerja secara bergantian (Shift)
  • Umur 20 - 25 tahun
  • Berdomisili di Jakarta

Apabila berminat silahkan kirim CV dan Surat Lamaran anda ke bis@binaindonusa.com atau datang langsung ke kantor kami di :

PT. Bina Indonusa System
Jl. Kemanggisan Ilir III No. 45
Kemanggisan - Pal Merah
Jakarta Barat

Lokasi di dalam kampus Universitas Bina Nusantara ( Kampus Kijang). Dengan contact person Ibu Villia Waty

Lowongan Kerja sebagai ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE di PT. Media Nusantara Citra

MNC is a leading integrated media and multimedia group with the focus on broadcasts and quality contents by means of technologies suitable to meet the needs of the market; we are now looking for self driven and dynamic professional to join our team as:


In details, you will be in charge in:

  • Achieving sales target
  • Maintaining and developing good relation with business partner
To be a successful in the position, you will be:

  • Female, max 25 years old
  • Minimum D3 from any majoring
  • Minimum 1 year of experience with exposure in sales & marketing field or Customer Service is preferred.
  • Fresh graduated are welcome to apply
  • Having knowledge and experience in handling Customer
  • Ability in presentation, excellent interpersonal & communication.
  • Good looking & nice personality
Please send your comprehensive resume & recent photograph not later than 9 November 2009 to: rekrutmen@mncgroup.com
Please indicate the position you apply for in the subject of your email